This is my first time writing a blog so if I make any mistakes please be understanding.
My name is Maria and I am exchange student at Seoul National University.I came here through a scholarship program for one academic year and I will be returning to my home country,Romania,in December this year.
I believe I can fly ^^ |
Nice meeting you all.
If you have any question please post them here and I will try my best to answer them.
Have a lovely day!
Hello :D Can't wait to hear more and more about your living in Korea. :) It would be a dream come true for me. :D
ReplyDeleteThanks for making this blog! :) I'll read every word of it as soon as you post them. :)
Hello, Maria. :D I have more questions for you. :D And i'm sorry if my english isn't that good, but i hope it is. :))
ReplyDeleteAre you in your first year of University? :) I it possible to get a scolarship in Korea for the second semester of the first year in University? Or do I have to learn for one year in Romania and then to apply for the scolarship? :)
And did you have to pay anything?:) Or does the school pay all your costs? I mean transportation, school taxes and living accomodation? :)
Do you need to know english 100% perfectly in order to get a scolarship?
And one get to this University (UBB, english-korean), do you have to write an exam or it depends of the grades from the BAC and highschool?
Have a nice day, and thanks again for your blog and for all the help. :D
Hello Ruth
ReplyDeleteSorry for the late reply.
As far as I know UBB only has an agreement with Donnguk University at the moment.You have to be a student at UBB,doesnt really matter what subject you study,though preferably would be Korean.Only from 2nd year onwards can apply for scholarships to Korea.The program is for one year and because this is a "mirror"exchange:korean students who come to romania get a monthly scholarship and a place in the dorms,same happens when the romanian students go to korea
your english has to be pretty good and you need a language certificate to prove that also the interview for the scholarship will be in english.
entrance at Faculty of Letter was done based on BAC and high school's score.
I hope that i answered all questions,if you want me to write the comment in romanian let me know.
have a nice weekend
it's okay in english. if UBB has an agreement only with the Donnguk university, how come you are at the Seoul National Univerisity? :)
ReplyDeleteAnd what kind of English certificate do you mean? Cambridge or Toefl? :)
Thank you for your reply :)
And something more. I didn't really understand what you mean when you said that it doesn't matter what subject i study. :) Can i study for example German-English and apply for a scolarship in Korea?
ReplyDeletebuna ruth.ubb a avut o intelegere cu SNU dar acum nu mai au,eu sunt ultima studenta aici desi ma rog si sper ca intelegere sa fie reluata. cu dongguk au contract de vreo 4 ani cred, si in septembrie merg noi studenti din korea in romania
ReplyDeletedeasemenea ceilalti 3 colegi cu care am venit au fost de la alte specializari si facultati,inclusiv cei care au mers la dongguk:statstica,film,economie,master si licenta.bursele sunt pentru studentii de la ubb,si cred ca atata timp ct esti o studenta buna si motivata de a cunoaste culturea koreana e centrul korean din cluj sunt cursuri facultative de coreana sau poti sa participi cu cei de la profil daca ai timp.korean its a very beautiful language.
Ok, multumesc de informatii :D
ReplyDeletebuna Maria ! ramas fara cuvinte...super tare! Esti atat de norocoasa :) Imi pare bine sa te cunosc .
Buna Maria :) Te-am mai intrebat odata, dar nu cred ca ai observat. :) De ce fel de certificat/diploma de engleza am nevoie pentru bursa? Oare sunt de ajuns competentele de la limba engleza, ce o sa le dam noi la bac?
ReplyDeleteIti doresc o seara frumoasa >:D<
ReplyDeletesorry ca nu ti-am nevoie de un certificat fel Cambridge Advanced sau de la centrul ALPHA daca esti din cluj.cel de la bac nu e de nevoie de ceva care sa dovedeasca ca stii engleza.interviul pentru bursa a fost in engleza si cand a trebuit sa trimit actele in korea a trebuit sa am si un certificat de limba care sa ateste ca stiu engleza la un nivel avansat.
@berezasara imi pare bine sa te cunosc.bine ai venit.o sa scriu in continuare.
:)Gamsahamnida! ummm am o intrebare ...stii limba coreeana? daca da...e greu sa o inveti? ahh eu imi doresc atat de mult sa stiu coreeana :D
ReplyDeleteDumnezeu sa te binecuvinteze !
@berezasara stiu limba coreeana,dar nu asa de bine.inca mai am multe de invatat.e o limba frumoasa dar grea insa cu perseverenta si multa munca se poate.
ReplyDeleteSa ai o saptamana binecuvantata.
Multumesc din nou pentru informatii. :) Deci ar cam trebui sa ma apuc de Cambridge in primul an de facultate, daca vreau la bursa. :)) :D
ReplyDeleteMultumesc si duminica placuta! >:D<
deci se poate! :) Iti doresc si eu o saptamana binecuvantata !
ReplyDeletepoti sa imi spui care sunt diferentele dintre Romania si Coreea? din mai multe puncte de vedere...e mai bine acolo? ce fel de oameni sunt...etc...
cum e in korea ,te-ai adaptat repede?cu limba coreana
ReplyDeleteto Anonymous.I am back in Europe now.Being in Korea was one of the greatest achievements of my life.I didn't had any culture shock when I got there and only towards the end of my stay I started missing Romania,but other than that I tried my best to enjoy every moment.I studied the Korean language for almost 9 months and it was though but I love the language so I didn't gave up.